
Your Engineering Partner!

Wir sind Ihr Engineering Partner im Bereich FEM und Strömungssimulationen (CFD). Wir streben nicht nur danach, die beste Lösung für unsere Kunden zu finden, sondern ihnen auch unsere Expertise weiterzugeben. So sind unsere Kunden, welche wir als Partner betrachten, bestens für die zukünftigen Herausforderungen vorbereitet.

Some References

Our Solutions


We offer you an insight into the behavior of your component through high-quality FEM and CFD analyses even before the first prototype is realized.

Combustion calculation

With the CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) method, combustions can be simulated and optimized on the computer. This allows costs in development to be significantly reduced and innovations to be brought to market even faster.

Magentic Valve Technology

We support you with demanding challenges in valve technology with consulting, design as well as complete development and manufacturing of magnetic valves.

Screw and tightness technology

We are happy to assist you with challenges in the area of screw fittings as well as with leakage problems. Our engineers have more than ten years of experience in these areas.


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